Purple Cow by Seth Godin
1. Remarkability Versus Goodness
In an ever-evolving marketplace teeming with competition, being genuinely remarkable is essential for success.
According to Godin:
"If you aren't a purple cow, you are invisible."
This suggests that merely being 'good' isn't enough; you must strive for remarkability to stand out.
2. The Concept of the Purple Cow
Godin introduces us to a "Purple Cow"—a product or idea that stands out in the crowded marketplace of run-of-the-mill products. The purple cow symbolizes distinctiveness.
As Godin asserts:
"Fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible."
3. Understanding the TV Industrial Complex
The TV Industrial Complex is the outdated cycle of creating ordinary products, marketing them through advertising, and leveraging the profits for more advertising.
This approach is ineffective in today's digital era and requires a radical shift.
4. Catering to Post-Consumption Consumers
Post-consumption consumers are modern-day customers whose needs and wants are fulfilled, but their time is increasingly limited.
Godin notes:
"You are a post-consumption consumer. You have everything you need and most everything you want, except time."
5. Identifying the 'Sneezers'
'Sneezers' are individuals who appreciate your product and spread the word about it, acting as agents of your 'idea virus.'
Finding and targeting these sneezers is crucial to your marketing success.
6. Differentiating Your Customers
It's crucial to differentiate your customers and identify the most profitable group and those most likely to 'sneeze.'
Godin suggests focusing your development, advertising, and rewards on these groups and disregarding the rest.
7. The Risks of Boredom
Godin notes that boring strategies are the riskiest, emphasizing that intelligent business people acknowledge this and strive to minimize the risks.
The marketplace is already filled with enough average businesses; standing out requires an exciting, distinctive approach.
8. Ponder This
For those grappling with finding a job or standing out, Godin poses an interesting question:
"what you have to do to never look for a job again."
It encourages introspection into the skills and beliefs required to distinguish oneself.
9. Stand Out by Being Different
Another vital question posed by Godin is:
"How do you catch up by being different?"
Rather than following the herd, think about differentiating yourself and achieving success through innovation.
10. Build a Life You Don't Need to Escape From
Godin inspires readers to create a life that they don't need to escape from.
This provokes a shift in mindset from temporary relief (like vacations) to build a fulfilling life that doesn't necessitate an escape.