The First 90 Days by Michael D. Watkins
2 min read


The First 90 Days by Michael D. Watkins

"The First 90 Days" by Michael D. Watkins provides valuable strategies for leaders in transition to navigate their new roles effectively and efficiently.

What are the key ideas from ‘The First 90 Days by Michael D. Watkins’?

1. Promote yourself

Watkins emphasizes:

"You need to mentally prepare yourself for the new role and 'hit the ground running'."

Actionable Advice: Shift your mindset to align with the new role. Leaving the old job's concerns behind, focus on the responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities the new role offers.

2. Accelerate your learning

Watkins states:

"Every organization has its unique learning curve. The quicker you can master it, the better."

Actionable Advice: Develop a learning agenda that maps out what you need to know about the company's culture, structure, products, and market. Engage with colleagues and subordinates to get a realistic perspective.

3. Match strategy to the situation

As Watkins puts it:

"There's no one-size-fits-all strategy. Your approach should depend on the business context."

Actionable Advice: Understand the business situation and tailor your strategy accordingly. Whether it's a startup, realignment, sustaining-success crisis, or a turnaround, each requires a distinct approach.

4. Secure early wins

Watkins advises:

"Early successes build your credibility and create momentum."

Actionable Advice: Identify opportunities to achieve tangible results quickly. These early wins can build credibility, generate enthusiasm, and gain support from stakeholders.

5. Negotiate success

According to Watkins:

"Understanding what your boss defines as success is crucial."

Actionable Advice: Communicate with your superior to understand their expectations. Discuss and define realistic objectives, work methods, and resources to ensure mutual understanding and avoid misunderstandings.

6. Achieve alignment

Watkins suggests:

"The higher you climb, the more your success will depend on how well the organization supports your plans and initiatives."

Actionable Advice: Work to align the organization's structure, resources, and strategy with your new direction. Building consensus around your plan will help secure the support you need.

7. Build your team

Watkins shares:

"Getting the right people in the right roles is a leader's most important job."

Actionable Advice: Evaluate your current team and determine if there are gaps in skills or roles. Invest in hiring, developing, and retaining the right people to help you achieve your objectives.

8. Create coalitions

Watkins asserts:

"Influence extends beyond vertical relationships in the hierarchy."

Actionable Advice: Identify critical influencers across the organization and build alliances. These relationships will provide invaluable support, advice, and influence to advance your agenda.

9. Keep your balance

Watkins counsels:

"Transitions are a time of upheaval. Maintaining equilibrium is important."

Actionable Advice: Keep a balance between professional and personal life. Regularly reflect on your progress, learn from your experiences, and care for your physical and emotional health.

10. Expedite everyone

Watkins concludes:

"Every transition is a crucial period. Help everyone make the most of it."

Actionable Advice: Understand that transitions impact not just you but everyone on your team. Facilitate a smooth transition for all by being communicative, inclusive, and open to feedback.

In "The First 90 Days," Watkins creates a roadmap for leaders in new roles to understand their positions, make meaningful contributions, and secure success. It's a valuable resource for anyone looking to make their first days count in a new leadership position.

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