Finance & Investing
Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
1. The Power of Thought
Hill emphasizes, "Thoughts are things." He states that our thoughts are more potent than external resources like money, education, or specific knowledge.
When we firmly believe we can accomplish something, we're halfway there.
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
2. The Force of Desire
For Hill, desire bridges the gap between thoughts and actions.
He says:
"The starting point of all achievement is desire."
By translating our thoughts into genuine desires, we can then propel them into actions, leading to achievement.
3. The Excuse versus Result Dilemma
Hill underscores that we can either find excuses or results, but not both.
"The person who does not know what they want, their excuses are many."
By eliminating excuses, we clear the path to growth and success.
4. Faith in Achievability
Faith is an essential factor in achieving your goals. Hill advises:
"Faith is the head chemist of the mind."
It's not enough to simply want something; we must genuinely believe it is within our reach.
5. The Paramountcy of Imagination
"Imagination is the workshop of your mind," according to Hill.
He asserts that imagination is more important than knowledge because it gives us the power to create and manifest our desires into reality.
6. Decision Makers versus Procrastinators
Hill separates people into decision-makers or procrastinators. Procrastinators are held back by others' opinions, while decision-makers prioritize their goals.
"Successful people make decisions promptly," Hill states.
7. The Power of the Mastermind
Hill emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded intelligent people.
"No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, a third invisible intangible force which may be likened to a third mind."
8. Channeling Desire
Successful people, Hill notes, often channel their intense desires, including sexual desires, into their work. This transmutation turns raw energy into passion and enthusiasm, driving achievement.
9. Harnessing the Subconscious Mind
Hill suggests that by consciously choosing thoughts of wealth and success, we can imprint these ideas onto our subconscious mind, which then helps bring them to fruition.
"The subconscious mind will translate into its physical equivalent, by the most direct and practical method available."
10. Conquering Fear
Fear, in Hill's view, is the most significant obstacle to wealth and self-improvement.
He lists fears such as poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death, but asserts that fear only stops us if we let it.
"Fears are nothing more than states of mind."
"Think And Grow Rich" offers timeless wisdom on harnessing our thoughts and desires to create a prosperous and fulfilling life.
These principles, though simple, can lead to profound changes when fully understood and effectively applied.