Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss
1. Prioritize your time
Ferriss suggests that one of the most significant steps toward success is becoming "an absolute master of selectively saying no."
He highlights Derek Sivers' saying:
"If it's not a 'Hell, Yeah!' it's a no."
This can help filter out activities that don't contribute to your goals.
2. Practice mindfulness
Many of Ferriss's interviewees practice some form of mindfulness or meditation. It not only reduces stress but also improves focus and creativity.
As Ferriss puts it:
"Meditation or mindfulness practice is really about, to me, decreasing emotional reactivity so you can proactively create your day and create your life."
3. Start the day with a routine
Ferriss notes that many successful people have morning routines that help set the tone for the rest of the day.
He practices "the morning trifecta" - making the bed, meditating, and doing light exercise.
4. Embrace discomfort
Ferriss emphasizes that leaving your comfort zone is critical to growth and self-improvement. He quotes Laird
Hamilton saying:
"Make sure you are maximally scared every day."
5. Exercise regularly
Physical health is a common theme among the high-achieving individuals Ferriss interviewed. Regular exercise isn't only beneficial for physical health but mental health too.
Ferriss advocates for various exercises - from yoga and kettlebell swings to walking and surfing.
6. Read voraciously
Reading is a common habit among the successful people Ferriss interviewed.
Ferriss himself is an avid reader, suggesting:
"I do believe that all knowledge is on a 'use it or lose it' basis."
7. Learn to deal with failure
Failure is inevitable on the path to success, and Ferriss encourages a healthy relationship with loss.
He quotes Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, who said:
"You jump off a cliff and you assemble an airplane on the way down."
8. Practice gratitude
A common thread Ferriss noticed among his interviewees is the practice of gratitude. By appreciating what you have, you can cultivate a positive outlook and manage stress better.
Ferriss's practice involves writing down three things he's grateful for every morning.
9. Invest in relationships
Building and maintaining relationships is another key theme in "Tools of Titans."
As Ferriss notes:
"The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships."
10. Experiment and iterate
Ferriss encourages a willingness to experiment and iterate in all areas of life, quoting Stewart Brand, who said, "We are as gods and might as well get good at it."